Latest Methods for Cleaning Dirty Blinds Deeply
Windows blinds are one of the things which collect debris or dirt more quickly or easily, than any other item. On top of that, cleaning them is nothing less than winning a fight. With a quick wipe you can clean or eliminate most of the dirt using a clean sponge. But, it will be better if you wash them at least once a year by taking them down. It will help you to keep them looking like a new one. In this article, Captain curtain cleaning Canberra will share with you some methods for cleaning dirty blinds deeply, so keep reading.

- Quick dusting techniques: You might be thinking that blind cleaning is very tough. But, a quick dusting can make things easier. You can just use a feather duster to wipe your window blinds quickly. Or else you can use old socks or gloves for wiping or dusting the blinds. For better results you can vacuum the blinds with the brush or hose attachments. It works in many cases even vacuuming the blinds once a week can be enough for your blinds. All you need to do is vacuum the blinds with the attached hoses using the cleaning technique.
- Wash the blinds where they hang: Another method for cleaning dirty blinds deeply is washing the blinds where they are hanging. You can wipe out the blinds with a damp sponge. It will help a lot, and keep repeating the process in the other direction to properly clean the blinds. If your blinds are very dirty, all you have to do is to rinse a clean sponge and wipe your blinds. While cleaning does make sure that you wring your sponge timely, by doing this you will ensure yourself that you are not putting more dirt on your blinds instead of cleaning. For best results, use soapy water solution as it is safe to use for blind cleaning.
- Heavy-duty cleaning techniques: When talking about the methods for cleaning dirty blinds deeply, then we can’t miss using S-shaped hooks. You can use S-shaped hooks to hang your blinds inside your curtain rod. While doing it, make sure that your curtains are pulled at one side. Now, take the blinds down and take them to the bathroom. After that hang them using an S hook on the curtain rod, then, brush or wash the blinds properly to eliminate all the dirt by scrubbing or brushing. Do follow the proper technique of cleaning and heavy-duty cleaning techniques and you will definitely be able to clean your blinds. So, this method for cleaning dirty blinds deeply will not only make your blinds look dirt-free but also prolong their life.
So, these are the methods for cleaning dirty blinds deeply. If you want to keep your blinds dirt-free, then, following the above methods will definitely help you a lot, or else you can hire professionals to get your blinds perfectly cleaned. So, you can also hire the best cleaning company today. Our professional have Certificate III in Cleaning Operations.
Published on: January 27, 2023
Last updated on: February 16, 2023